Eisner Retiring in 2006: Song of the South at Last?

The recent news that Michael Eisner, embattled CEO of Disney, is going to retire in 2006 has raised the interest of many Song of the South enthusiasts. Could this at last be the chance we’ve been waiting for? Recall an excerpt of Roy Disney’s email to me back in February:

“Dear Mr. Willis – thanks forr letter of support, and I am sorry to tell you that this is yet another reason to do our best to move Eisner out. He has been – far quite a few years now – totally against (I think AFRAID is a better word) of re-releasing Song of the South, which happens to be one of my favorite of the old Disney films. A number of us have tried, for some time, to change his mind, to no avail.”

Assuming that Eisner is indeed the only thing standing in the way of Song of the South being released on video/DVD, this is very good news indeed! However, some new questions are raised: since the rest of the acting Board supported Eisner during the tumultuous shareholder voting period back in May, could that suggest that they also support his decisions on Song of the South? Also, does Robert Iger, the current Disney president who is largely speculated to take Eisner’s place in 2006, support Song of the South‘s release?

Incidentally, 2006 will be Song of the South‘s 60th Anniversary. Perfect timing!