
I’d like to personally welcome you all to my new web site! Originally devised in 1998 as “Brer Fox’s Chickapin Hill”, the site would contain quite a limited selection of memorabilia just to let people know what was out there and a good chance for me to cut my teeth on html programming. The project was abandoned when school took my best interest and I was finding more memorabilia than I could keep up with. Then, in November 1999 I launched “Song of the South Memorabilia”, determined to provide the public with memorabilia and information on the movie. The site had numerous facelifts (v1.0, v2.0, and v2.1), until I completely scrapped it and devised a bigger and better site.

You are viewing the fruits of my efforts, and this will be a continuing developing project for me. One thing I can guarantee, though… no more major design changes!!! 🙂 Thank you for visiting my site. For more information on me and the site, please visit the About section.