Song of the South Removed from’s Movie Finder

During a periodic check of my web site’s links page today, I noticed that Song of the South is no longer listed on’s Movie Finder. As I first reported back in January 2002, Disney’s Movie Finder had a page for Song of the South that included previously unissued ISBN and UPC numbers (hinting at a possible upcoming release) and had a direct link to inform Disney that you were interested in this movie being released on VHS or DVD. Apparently they no longer want to hear from us.

So, now I’d like to take this opportunity to share with you folks how you can STILL let Disney know you want this movie released:

1. Contact Disney’s Movie Finder. They may have taken down the page that links to this form, but the form itself still appears to be working (for now…)

2. Call Buena Vista Home Entertainment at (800) 723-4763. Tell them you want this movie released on VHS and DVD. Oh, and feel free to grill them on why Song of the South was removed from Disney’s Movie Finder!

3. Contact Amazon then contacts the studio to let them know how much interest there is in this movie’s release. Is it any surprise thatSong of the South is Amazon’s 5th most requested DVD?

And that’s not all we can do. Please, check out my FAQ for more ways we can help get this movie released.

Update: See August 3 news article above.