Article: “The Coming and Passing of Song of the South”

Today has published an article entitled “The Coming and Passing of Song of the South” by David M. Korn. In this extensive three-part article, David thoroughly examines the controvery surrounding the film and even gives a detailed synopsis of the movie’s story. He also covers the entire range ofSong of the South related history, from theatrical releases to Splash Mountain.

I would like to point out that the article examines the movie from the viewpoint that it is depicting the antebellum South; it needs to be clarified that Song of the South is actually set after the Civil War, just as the original stories by Joel Chandler Harris. This minor discrepancy does not detract from the overall article, however; his points are still very relevant and well-made. David has done an excellent job and I would definitely recommend reading it!

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3: