YouTube Features Song of the South Clips, Disney Removes Them

YouTube is a free web site that allows the posting of video clips to the public. As the popularity of YouTube has boomed, several video clips featuring snippets from Song of the South have emerged recently. These clips, usually compiled by fans, are sometimes straight clips from the movie, and at other times are set to different songs.

Disney, of course, is not happy with the proliferation of clips from the movie it doesn’t want the public to see, and so several of the movie clips have been removed. Offending clips have been replaced with the text “This video has been removed at the request of copyright owner The Walt Disney Company because its content was used without permission.”

Song of the South clips aren’t the only related clips showing up on YouTube; there’s also several clips of Splash Mountain, and one really cool historical clip that hopefully Disney won’t take down: a 1955 Nash Car Commercial featuring Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox and Brer Bear.