Today Marks Song of the South’s 73rd Anniversary

Today marks the 73rd anniversary of Song of the South’s worldwide premier at the Fox Theater in Atlanta, Georgia.

Today also marks the premier of the new Disney+ streaming video service, which will reportedly not be offering Song of the South among its available movies. The movie has never been commercially released by Disney on VHS or DVD in the United States, and despite a recent call from Disney Legend Whoopi Goldberg to bring back and discuss this film, Disney has continued to sideskirt releasing the film, while profiting off of the movie through Splash Mountain merchandise, collectibles, and the Academy Award-winning song “Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah.”

It’s hard to believe that my website will be 20 years old next year, but my mission remains the same: provide as much information to the public on this movie as I can in the absence of Disney. If you want to help preserve this movie (after all, whether you love or hate the film, it’s part of cinematic history), be sure to check out our Facebook page, and sign the petition if you haven’t already done so. The biggest way you can help is to spread the word about this movie. You might be surprised how many people don’t even know this film exists (and I’m afraid that might be what Disney wants).