Category Archives: Site Updates

News relating to updates that have been made to Song of the

Website Ordered Shut Down by MPAA

I received an email from the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) on April 5, charging me with “unauthorized distribution of copyrighted motion pictures” and ordering the immediate shut down of my web site by contacting my web service provider. Fortunately, I am still here but I greatly resent the way in which this event has been handled by the MPAA. I have contacted them both by email and phone and have not received a reply from them.

They were wrong in charging me with unauthorized distribution of copyrighted motion pictures: the plain fact is I have never engaged in such a thing and their failure to properly research and recognize my video ordering page as merely a click-thru link to another site’s service is the cause of this unfortunate error.

To read the email that was sent to me from the MPAA, click here. Debuts

I’d like to personally welcome you all to my new web site! Originally devised in 1998 as “Brer Fox’s Chickapin Hill”, the site would contain quite a limited selection of memorabilia just to let people know what was out there and a good chance for me to cut my teeth on html programming. The project was abandoned when school took my best interest and I was finding more memorabilia than I could keep up with. Then, in November 1999 I launched “Song of the South Memorabilia”, determined to provide the public with memorabilia and information on the movie. The site had numerous facelifts (v1.0, v2.0, and v2.1), until I completely scrapped it and devised a bigger and better site.

You are viewing the fruits of my efforts, and this will be a continuing developing project for me. One thing I can guarantee, though… no more major design changes!!! 🙂 Thank you for visiting my site. For more information on me and the site, please visit the About section.